News and updates on what’s going on


Bravery comes in all sizes! Put your best paw forward and enter the world of Bloomburrow. When elemental forces rage out of control, the salvation of the Valley falls on the shoulders of its smallest protectors. Fight beside mice, frogs, bats, birds, lizards, squirrels, and other critters as you restore the balance of peace.   Hey PI-Fans, The relentless march of Magic the Gathering releases tromps ever onwards with Bloomburrow, an aggressively cute set designed around anthromorphic forest critters. We're taking preorders for this set, so if you want some, let us know. Orders close 7/4/24. No refunds for cancellation. All orders must be placed with full deposit (Deposit will be refunded in the event of manufacturer short supply). In the event of shortage, priority will go to orders placed and paid for earlier. We are accepting preorders from customers in good credit standings only. Release date subject to manufacturer. [...]

By |2024-06-24T20:01:06+08:00June 24th, 2024|Card Games, Items, Magic: The Gathering, News|

Age of Sigmar Skaventide – Early Bird Preorders

Hey PI-Fans, Greetings Man-Things, the time of the Vermindoom is close. Yes-yes. Kill-Kill Storm-Things. Games Workshop has been very very uncoy about the fact that the Age of Sigmar 4th Edition is upon us, in all it's Skaven vs Stormcast glory. The massive Skaventide launch box comes with an expected price tag to match as well - as part of one of their website lucky draw declarations, they've valued the box as follows in the fine print. "The value of the contents of each prize is GBP £160 (one hundred and sixty) / AUD $450(four hundred and fifty) Australian Dollars/ USD $265 (two hundred and sixty five US dollars/ EU €210 (two hundred and ten) Euros." No idea what their SGD price is going to be, but we expect it to clock in somewhere between SGD$400-450 ballpark.   TLDR: ORDER SKAVENTIDE AND PLACE DEPOSIT. GET AN ADDITIONAL 10% OFF FINAL [...]

By |2024-06-19T20:49:00+08:00June 19th, 2024|Items, News, Promotions, Warhammer AOS|

Bigger Editions? – 04/06/24

Hey PI-Fans, There are times when a game is hard to improve on. Spiel de Jahres (Game of the Year) winners like Codenames and Kingdomino for instance are already incredibly elegant titles mechanically... so... well... you can always make them bigger. Coming in at double the regular size of regular Codenames and Kingdomino sets, the XXL and Giant edition of the games function well in party environments, making them excellent with big groups.  If you're looking for a more visually striking gameplay experience, mayhaps consider whether a bigger box will be more your speed.

By |2024-06-04T16:26:45+08:00June 4th, 2024|Board Games, Items, News|

Equinox Golem – 01/06/24

Ladies and Gentlemen, start your... Golems? Hey PI-Fans, Reiner Knizia's classic Colossal Arena (Aka. Titan: The Arena Aka. Galaxy: The Dark Ages Aka. Grand National Derby) has recieved Plan B's Golem theming in Equinox - Golem Edition, a cutthroat competition where players bet on competing Golems, vying to ensure that the Golems they have bid on are the ones which  escape elimination. Players will play cards matching the different golem suits to ensure the golems they want to win have the highest overall ratings. Also, player can use the special powers of the golems they have backed to shape the competition by drawing, discarding or swapping the cards played, allowing them to hopefully come out ahead of the opposition. Bet, scheme and strategize to ensure the Golems you wager on advance through competition rounds without being eliminated while ensuring your continue to climb the ranks of the compeition. Will your [...]

By |2024-06-01T14:18:59+08:00June 1st, 2024|Board Games, Items, News|

Harmonies – 21/5/24

Hey PI-Fans, Another week, another new game. This week's feature is Harmonies, a 3D Terrain placement game where players work to stack different biome pieces together to accommodate and score different wildlife and biomes. Build and stack mountains, trees and rivers while placing terrain to house different animals, each with their own ecosystem requirements.   Harmonies: 1-4 Players, 30 min, Ages 10+ In Harmonies, each player takes a turn to draft a set of different biome tokens and animal cards which they work to integrate into their own board space. Players score points for placing tokens in formations that represent Trees, Mountains, Rivers and Buildings, but also need to take the specific needs of the wildlife into consideration when placing their territory. The game includes a solo mode and an "expert" mode, adding the spirits of nature to the game's animal cards. 

By |2024-05-21T13:53:57+08:00May 21st, 2024|Board Games, Items, New items, News|

Canvas, Canvas Reflections, Canvas Finishing Touches – 14/5/24

Hey PI-Fans, If you're anything quite like me, you're a complete sucker for a game that leans in on a theme. The Canvas series is one of those games. As a painter competing in an art competition, players need to collect cards representing different art elements, holding on to the ones containing features the match the randomly selected judging criteria of the round. The twist here is that said cards are themselves clear plastic, allowing them to be overlaid on top of each other creating custom art pieces. A symbol bar at the bottom of each card displays which art elements are present on each card, with the potential for new layers to cover up or overwrite lower cards. Canvas comes with it's expansions Reflection and Finishing Touches, each of which provides additional elements to a game of Canvas in addition to combining into a stunningly beautiful triptych of art [...]

By |2024-05-14T15:05:56+08:00May 14th, 2024|Board Games, Card Games, Items, News|

UNLOCK! Extraordinary Adventures

Hey PI-Fans, Just a minor shoutout that the new UNLOCK! set Extraordinary Adventures box is on the shelf. As always this comes with three scenarios of increasing difficulty, from the Detective Noir themed Hollywood Confidential, the space adventure W.A.F.F.'s Odyssey and Restart, which we can't help but hearkens back to the adventure puzzle games of early computing with a name that evokes the television cartoon classic Reboot. Unlock! is a cooperative card game inspired by escape rooms that uses a simple system which allows you to search scenes, combine objects, and solve riddles. Play Unlock! to embark on great adventures, while seated at a table using only cards and a companion app that can provide clues, check codes, monitor time remaining, etc. Unlock! Extraordinary Adventures includes three separate scenarios for you to explore: Restart Crearia is in shambles! Enter this 90 ’s video game to rescue the royal couple and restore order to their [...]

By |2024-05-07T14:24:41+08:00May 7th, 2024|Board Games, Items, News|

Dragomino and a Kingdomino Family Reunion – 04/05/24

Hey PI-Fans, It's been a while since Dragomino, the 2021 Kinderspiel des Jahres winner  offspring of the 2017 Spiel des Jahres Winner Kingdomino has been on our shelves, but it's back (along with it's proud parent and relatives)!   Dragomino features gameplay similar to Kingdomino, but with gameplay suitable for younger players. At the start of a round, you reveal four domino tiles, with each domino featuring two types of landscapes. Starting with whoever has the mommy dragon figure, players draft a tile and add it to their landscape. If the newly placed tile matches the landscape of one or more adjacent tiles, then you draw an egg tile for that type of landscape and place it face up where those tiles meet. Some eggs feature a baby dragon, which is worth 1 point; others feature an empty shell, which allows you to take the mommy dragon, giving you first [...]

By |2024-05-04T13:42:53+08:00May 4th, 2024|Board Games, Items, News|


Hey PI-Fans, There are no brakes on the train... wait... that was last set. Wizards of the Coast is pushing out another Modern Horizons set to reprint a stack of classic cards. Also Eldrazi. Been a while since the things with tentacles menaced MTG in a set (though I guess the Phyrexians were ALSO things with tentacles so...). Either way... The new Modern Horizons 3 set is up for order. Let us know ASAP to confirm your quantities. Orders close 12/5/24. No refunds for cancellation. All orders must be placed with full deposit (Deposit will be refunded in the event of manufacturer short supply). In the event of shortage, priority will go to orders placed and paid for earlier. We are accepting preorders from customers in good credit standings only. Release date subject to manufacturer. Place order and deposit directly at Games @ PI. If not possible, contact us ASAP [...]

By |2024-04-30T17:07:21+08:00April 30th, 2024|Card Games, Items, Magic: The Gathering, News, Promotions|

Escape Rooms For All Ages – 26/4/24

Hey PI-Fans, This week's announcement is going to be a short one - as I have discovered to my chagrin, having a phone fail on can affect the regular posting demeanor.  That said, rain, sun, phone bricking itself doesn't stop the rest of the team from keeping the games chugging along.  This week sees us pop out a pair of Escape Room themed titles, with the arrival of a pair of boxes for UNLOCK! Kids (Detective Stories and Stories from the Past) as well as the Lord of the Rings Shadows Over Middle Earth EXIT set. If you want to take a cooperative take on the pocket box escape room genre for you or the little ones, this might be an opportune moment. - Kenneth, Games @ PI Manager (under technical duress) Hopefully back to regular posting SOON TM.  

By |2024-04-26T19:11:43+08:00April 26th, 2024|Board Games, Items, News|
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