About Kenneth K

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So far Kenneth K has created 667 blog entries.

It’s Beginning To Feel A Lot Like… I’ll Stop.

Hey PI-Fans, It’s us again, doing our usual thing – keeping a store full of cool stuff ready to go to good homes. Also, in the interest of staff sanity, we’re going to try to keep the Christmas Carols to a minimum this year. Not that we’re against them or anything, but after the 73rd round of Jingle Bells, the staff begin to go a little stir crazy. That becomes a problem. In the meantime, the new stuff keeps flowing.   Once again, rival schools have come to Onitama to see who has the dominant Art — but something is different this time: Their activity has attracted the attention of a wind spirit! This indomitable force will interfere with the students, but it may on occasion grant an unforeseen benefit as well! The Onitama: Way of the Wind expansion includes a wind spirit, a neutral game piece that creates a new layer [...]

By |2018-11-26T14:53:47+08:00November 26th, 2018|News|

For The Watch

Hey PI-Fans, Night gathers, and now your watch begins. Steadfast Lannister Halberdiers form unyielding hedges of polearms while nimble Stark Outriders nip at the flanks, yet all this pale in scope as a third faction storms onto the battlefields of the A Song of Ice & Fire Miniature Game. The Night's Watch has come. - RECORD SCRATCH -   Or... you know... we could just talk about the Singaporean Dream, a card game about paying, stealing and saboing your way to becoming the ultimate Singaporean. Why no? We don't judge.  

By |2018-11-23T17:24:02+08:00November 23rd, 2018|News|


Hey PI-Fans, I might have personally taken a short a sabbatical last week, but the gears of industry keep turning, and in the short time I was away, a flood of stuff came in. Here’s a catch-up list of what’s flooded in over the last week I was away. Board game wise, if horror is your jam, step back into the House on the Hill with Betrayal Legacy, and shape the development of the ill-fated building with an all new a campaign themed mode. Or take to the streets of mist shrouded Arkham to face off against the servitors of the Elder Gods in an all new edition of Arkham Horror. Then there’s World War II like you’ve never seen it before with Axis & Allies & Zombies. Feeling like stretching your legs? Consider Discover: Lands Unknown, a wilderness survival and exploration game with a unique game experience in each [...]

By |2018-11-22T17:41:55+08:00November 22nd, 2018|News|

Things Aren’t On Fire. Fire Is On Things.

Hey PI-Fans, I’m going to cut to the chase: There’s a new wave of Song of Ice and Fire miniatures out so Lets get straight to the point. All you Lannister commanders who have been wanting to set things on fire, listen up. Pyromancers are in. For the less incendiary inclined, there’s the Mountain’s Men. On the stark end, Umber reinforcements are in including the Berserkers and Greataxes. Or you can let out your inner sadist and unleash the Boltons. The Bastard’s Girls, Cutthroats and Flayed Men are ready to slot into any army seeking mercenary reinforcements from this treacherous House. Not all miniatures of course. On the RPG front, there’s restocks of the all new edition Vampire: The Masquerade RPG and Uprising, an all new dystopian science fiction RPG set in the world of the best selling Resistance and Coup card games. Board gamers will be happy to note the return [...]

By |2018-11-09T12:09:59+08:00November 9th, 2018|News|

Last Post Of The Month

Hey PI-Fans, It’s our last post of October. So let’s make some joyous noise as we move into November. We’ve got a load of restocks and new stuff out, so lets get into it shall we. As a public service message to those who preordered the Legend of the Five Rings – Underhand of the Emperor Dynasty Pack and the Whispers of Shadow and Steel Novella, they’re available for collection.  Also the Arkham Horror LCG Depths of Yoth Mythos Pack. The Legend of the Five Rings RPG, dice and GM Screen and adventure bundle are also available for those adventurers still bound for Rokugan. Remember to pack your katana. For the discerning adventurer, we’ve also talked our way into a tiny batch of Limited Edition covers for the D&D supplement Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes. If you missed out with the first batch, here’s one last shot at it. Supplies limited. [...]

By |2018-10-31T13:40:18+08:00October 31st, 2018|News|

Okay Pardner… DRAW.

Hey PI-Fans, You know us, we know you. We know you’re here for the games. Seriously. The store is called Games @ PI. There are very few alternate business avenues we could approach with a name like that. So. Let’s get to it. Expand the gameplay of Santorini! The Golden Fleece expansion adds more Gods like the magical Hecate or the mysterious Hades and also Heroes like Hercules and Achilles! Also included is a Golden Fleece figure, which can give any player touching it the power of a God! While Heroes have powerful abilities, they can only be used once per game. This is a great way to balance out skill gaps or introduce new players to the world of Santorini! Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards: Panic at the Pleasure Palace, the fourth game in the Epic Spell Wars series, takes the trademark humor-filled, mature gameplay and artwork [...]

By |2018-10-23T18:35:01+08:00October 23rd, 2018|News|

Monday Supplies

Hey PI-Fans It’s the start of the working week. Since games are work for us, that means its also time to fill our shelves with games. We launched A Song of Ice and Fire: The Miniatures Game last week and we’ve just topped up the shelves. Also new in is another wave of preprimed WizKids RPG miniatures and more Dungeon Heist for the RPG players. And there’s board games. New Smash Up. More Smash Up. And plenty of other cool stuff as well. As the mega corporations are getting ready to start the terraforming process, you now have the chance to make those early choices that will come to define your corporation and set the course for the future history of Mars! Terraforming Mars: Prelude introduces Prelude cards that jumpstart the terraforming process, or boost your corporation engine. In addition it introduces a batch of new corporations and projects to further expand [...]

By |2018-10-15T17:14:21+08:00October 15th, 2018|News|

Winter Is Here.

Hey PI-Fans, When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. When you play the miniature game however, death is a little more remote… This is a good thing. The Song of Ice & Fire Miniature Game is now available at Games @ PI. […]

By |2018-10-08T18:02:02+08:00October 8th, 2018|News|


Hey PI-Fans, Some of you may remember the seminal goth-punk RPG Vampire: The Masquerade. If you've missed preening like a Toreador or skulking like a Nosferatu or just letting out your inner Brujah and being angry at life, the universe and everything... Well... it's back from torpor. And if you didn't understand a word of that, don't worry. We've got board games too. As the great powers of Europe stretch their colonial empires further and further, they will inevitably lay claim to a place where spirits still hold power - and when they do, the land itself will fight back alongside the islanders who live there. Spirit Island is a cooperative game about defending your island home from colonizing Invaders. Players are different spirits of the land, each with its own unique elemental powers. The islanders fight back against the Invaders when attacked, and lend the spirits some other aid, [...]

By |2018-10-01T16:12:35+08:00October 1st, 2018|News|
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