Hey PI-Fans,

Gotta apologise for the lateness. Been a rough week and we’ve been processing a steady stream of inbound freight.

Apologies for this being shorter than usual folks but I’ve said many-a-time that the ‘law of shipment attraction’ always applies. The law posits that that no matter how well you space a shipment, they will all ultimately arrive back-to-back.

Regardless, as swamped as the team has been, there are new titles on our shelves, because that’s what we do.

Secrets of the Order is an all new expansion of the Arkham Horror board game, that sends the investigators into French Hill, one of Arkham’s oldest districts. Given the way things work in this misbegotten town, age inevitably brings with it secrets that should remain forgotten and when they come rising to the surface, it’s up to the players to keep the pot from boiling over. Also in-stock are the cooperative word puzzle So Clover!, a word association game where players try to fit words into a gridded position based on clues left for them. Rounding out this batch of releases is Pandemic: Hot Zone: Europe, a compact edition of Pandemic designed for fast play, and fully compatible with Pandemic: Hot Zone: North America.

Swing by our store and grab these titles, or give us a call and take advantage of our delivery option.

There’s still more on the way as well, so we’ll let you know when more awesome stuff arrives.

– Kenneth, Games @ PI Manager.