Kew Sheng Yao
Date of review: 17/9/2015
Edited by: Simon Joseph

Have you ever wondered how a picture is worth a thousand words? Look no further than Dixit as it is a narrative driven game that taps on the player’s imagination. The game is designed for 3 to 6 players and a standard game lasts around 30 minutes or so.

At the start, each player will draw 6 fascinating cards. A designated ‘story teller’ chooses a card and places it faced down. Then the storyteller will be using words, phrases, stories, or even actions to describe the card while others guess and place a card face down, trying to match the card with the storyteller’s description. The cards are then shuffle and place face up in a row. Each player (Other than the story teller) has to guess which card belongs to the story teller and vote. Then the card’s owner will be slowly revealed and that’s when the points are given out. The story teller will change after each turn.

Dixit will test your logic and whether you know your friends from inside out. Therefore, to win the game, you must either know or just roughly guess how that person thinks or how that person imagine if you say or do something.

Do you think that you possess the imagination to rule Dixit?