Kindomino: Origins

Greetings chieftain!

Go back in time to the prehistoric era with Kingdomino: Origins!


Start with your village, and acquire regions through alternating decisions. Each turn starts with 4 regions being drawn from the deck. Each are valued based on the numbers printed on the reverse side, arranging them in ascending order. Connect a new domino to your existing kingdom each turn, making sure at least one of its sides connects to a matching terrain type already in play. The player who picked the least valuable region in round 1, gets first pick in round 2 etc. The game ends when all tiles have been placed. Your only limitations are that all tiles must be placed within a 7×7 grid. Regions in your territory earn you points if they contain fire. Fire is either part of your terrains, or earned by adding dominoes with volcanoes. Final points are counted based on number of connecting tiles of the same type multiplied by the number of fire tokens on them.


There are 3 game modes to play:

The 1st one introduces fire and volcanoes.


The 2nd mode uses wooden resources.



The 3rd one features cavemen tokens.


You will earn points by collecting resources and additional points when you have the majority of a type of resources. Then resources allow you to bring cavemen to your territory and each type of caveman has its own way to give you points based on their position.


Call us to find out more at 6734 3858!

Alternatively, visit us at Midpoint Orchard for a demo!