X-Wing Nights

Hey PI-Fans,X-Wing Nights at Games @ PI have started and it's nice to see old and new faces coming over to try out the new system in a casual environment.As promised, we keep the event formats spinning every week, so here's the format for this Wednesday's event (24/7). Tables will open from 7pm to 10pm and each player who plays at least one game will receive an Extended Art promotional card. Fee: $8Format: Star Wars X-Wing Extended 200 Point No Heroes Format* 60 min Rounds.Participation: Extended Art Proton RocketsTop Scorer: Star Wars X-Wing Dice Bag* Build must contain no unique-character or unique-crew upgrades. At the end of the night, the player with the highest Score among players who plays 2 games across the night will take home a Star Wars X-Wing Dice Bag. See you this Wednesday. Until then, Fly Casual.– Kenneth, Games @ PI Manager