Take A Trip

“Stop the world, I want to get off” goes the song. With the way things are going, perhaps it’s time to go on a long trip. Except… as evidenced by Terraforming Mars: Turmoil, things aren’t going so well up there. Between navigating the political power struggles between ideologies and sending your own delegates to influence the handwringing Terraforming Committee, you’ve got your work cut out for you… if the new global events don’t ruin things entirely.Okay. So maybe Mars is a bit far. We think Japan sounds nice. Ride the Shinkansen in the Ticket to Ride Japan/Italy Expansion. Weigh your options carefully between your contribution to Japan’s growing communal Bullet Train Network, a rail project with routes which are shared with all players and scoring your own individual tracks. After all, nobody likes a free rider and those who skip out will have penalties levied accordingly.And for those who’d rather stay [...]