Hey… Player Player…

Hey PI-Fans, It's been one of those days where an avalanche of boxes threatens to bury me alive. Ah well. It means games, games and more games. There's.... *DEEP BREATH*... Catan, Eldritch Horror, Dixit, The Iron Throne, Mansions of Madness, Splendor, Onitama, One Night Ultimate Alien, Munchkin, Machi Koro, Chez Geek, Cutthroat Caverns, Dominion, Love Letter, Savage Worlds, Marvel Legendary, Flashpoint Fire Rescue... But... you're not here to listen to me babble about restocks. You're here for the NEW. So. With Smash Up: Big In Japan, AEG adds another slew of factions to Smash Up with Kaiju, Mahou Shoujo, Sentai and an array of assorted ridiculously cute critters which come very close to triggering a lawsuit.  You know the drill - Mess With Opponents, Smash Bases and Score Points with this two player set, or just add it to your Smash Up collection to unleash the horrors that are Russian Magical Girl [...]